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FUGA + Université Laval : Innovation at the heart of a rich collaboration

FUGA and Laval University join forces for a research project intended to revolutionize
the development of new cannabis varieties

Fuga is extremely proud to partner with Davoud Torkamaneh, researcher and professor at Laval University, to carry out the world’s first ever research intended to create a cannabis breeding program.

The ultimate goal of this partnership is to maximize the potential of cannabis by leveraging genomic technology and artificial intelligence. This breeding program will create hybrids based on the needs of growers, medical cannabis users and recreational cannabis consumers.

This will allow growers to select species that will have consistent characteristics and thus produce identical effects from one harvest to the next. This will “bring cannabis into the 21st century,” says Davoud Torkamaneh.

“Right now, our knowledge of cannabis is at least 100 years behind other common species such as wheat, barley or soy,” says the professor, who teaches in Laval University’s Department of Plant Science at the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences in Québec City, Canada. His study aims to overcome this knowledge gap and obtain stable varieties with predictable compounds and effects.

Fuga, An Ideal Partner
“Fuga is a visionary company that understands the industry’s problems and, above all, relies on science to improve its processes and remain competitive,” says Davoud Torkamaneh about why he chose Fuga as a research partner.

“I’ve always involved and collaborated with educational institutions in my projects,” says Fuga’s CEO, Philippe Laperrière. It’s important for me to stay at the forefront of our field and to be challenged by the next generation who often has a refreshing and enlightened perspective on the current methods. Having the privilege of working with Professor Torkamaneh is an incredible learning opportunity. The whole team at Fuga is thrilled by this partnership.”

Davoud Torkamaneh agrees: “I contacted Philippe and we had a very good exchange. This kind of endeavour requires people who love innovation and have a long-term vision. We need partners that can commit on a horizon of several years.”

Ambitious Goals and Revolutionary Aims
The short-term objective is to design a genetic improvement and genomic selection program. In the long term, its goal is to develop new varieties with specific profiles and sought after characteristics for different types of use.

The medical community will be the first to benefit from these discoveries because it will become possible to reproduce identical varieties whose effects on patients will have been studied and understood.

“There are a large number of doctors working with cannabis and a large number of companies producing it. Yet, if we don’t understand the inner workings of the plant, we can’t advance science and exploit its full potential,” concludes Davoud Torkamaneh.

Applying a genomic selection process to cannabis is a world first and promises to be a watershed moment for the industry.

About Fuga
Groupe Fuga is a private company limited by shares based in Stoneham, near Québec City. Philippe Laperrière is the company’s CEO. Its micro-cultivation facilities total just over 8,600 sq. ft. His team cultivates top quality medical grade and recreational cannabis in small living soil lots that fully respect the rules of organic culture.

Philippe Laperrière, CEO
418 456-2936

About Davoud Torkamaneh
Davoud Torkamaneh holds a bachelor’s degree in agronomy from the University of Applied Sciences and Technology in Tehran and a master’s and doctorate in plant biology from Laval University. He completed a postdoctoral fellowship in computational biology at Laval University and at the University of Guelph, Ontario. Prior to joining Laval University as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Plant Biology, he was an Associate Professor in Computational Biology at the University of Guelph




2753, boulevard Talbot
(Québec)  G3C 1K2

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